In this talk, the to-date most important results from the LHCb collaboration on the discrete symmetries will be summarised. The LHCb spectrometer is a single arm forward detector designed to study heavy flavour physics. This presentation highlights the latest measurements of the CP violation in the beauty and charm meson decays and the CPT violation searches in the heavy meson oscillations. In...
We present the most recent BABAR searches for reactions that could simultaneously explain the presence of dark matter and the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe. This scenario predicts exotic B-meson decays of the kind $B \rightarrow \psi_D \ \cal B$, where $\cal B$ is an ordinary matter baryon (proton, $\Lambda$, or $\Lambda_C$) and $\psi_D$ is a dark-sector anti-baryon, with...
It is well-known that CP violation is one of the necessary ingredients to generate the observed matter-antimatter asymmetry of the Universe. Neutral B mesons naturally exhibit CP violating oscillations which can be related to the baryon asymmetry through the B-Mesogenesis mechanism. With this in mind, it is interesting to analyze how large this CP violation could be in different scenarios...
I will discuss the potential of Direct and Indirect CP-Asymmetries in semileptonic decays. On the one hand I will discuss the role on Direct asymmetries in probing long-distance dynamics in B decays, and the other hand I will discuss the role of indirect CP-asymmetries in probing Cp-violating NP.