Axionic domain walls, as they sweep through the early universe plasma, can generate a net baryon and lepton number through the mechanism of spontaneous baryogenesis, provided there is a coupling between the axion and the lepton or baryon current. In this paper, we study systematically the baryon asymmetry produced by these domain walls, within different realisations of the L- or B violating...
We present a leptogenesis model in which right-handed neutrinos undergoing ultraviolet freeze-in are the only out-of-equilibrium species necessary to generate the observed matter-antimatter asymmetry in the early universe. It is shown that even though the lepton number source term vanishes, opposite asymmetries of the decoupled right-handed neutrinos and standard model leptons are washed in....
We analyse a model that connects the neutrino sector and the dark sector of the universe via a mediator Φ, stabilised by a discrete Z_4 symmetry that breaks to a remnant Z_2 upon Φ acquiring a non-zerovacuum expectation value (vϕ). The model accounts for the observed baryon asymmetry of the universe via additional contributions to the canonical Type-I leptogenesis. The Z_4 symmetry breaking...