DUNE is a next-generation, long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment with the primary aim of determining the neutrino mass ordering and the CP violation phase in the leptonic sector.
The SAND detector at the DUNE Near Detector complex is designed to perform on-axis beam monitoring, constrain systematic uncertainties in the oscillation analysis and provide precision neutrino physics...
The Pauli Exclusion Principle (PEP) is one of the main
cornerstones of the Quantum Theory. Violation of the PEP, albeit small, could be
motivated by physics beyond the Standard Model which entail extra space
dimensions, violation of the Lorentz invariance, non-commutative space-time.
These scenarios can be experimentally constrained with stat-of-the-art X-ray
spectroscopy, searching for...
Constraints on low-energy coefficients of the $\nu$SMEFT generalization of the Standard Model effective theory in the simple case of a $\text{U}(1)^\prime$ enlargement of the Standard Model gauge group are studied.
In particular, the constraints imposed by the requirement that the extended theory remains free of gauge anomalies are analyzed. Several explicit realisation, showing the...