EVERSE WP1 Monthly Meeting, 2024-04-24

Attending: Graeme Stewart (CERN), Jonathan Tedds (ELIXIR), Nikos Pechlivanis (CERTH), Daniel Garijo (UPM), Sanje Fenkart (CERN), Eleonora Parisi (LifeWatch), Giacomo Peru (UEDIN), Carlos Martinez (NLeSC), Faruk Diblen (NLeSC), Tea Vojtěchová (CUNI), Michel Jouvin (CNRS/IJCLab), David Chamont (CNRS/IJCLab), Aspa Orfanou (CERTH), Tassos Stavropoulos (OpenAIRE), Stefan Roiser (CERN), Jacky Bossey (CERN), Fotis PSOMOPOULOS (CERTH), Monica Abrudan (ELIXIR), David Chamont (IJCLab)

Apologies: Marco Bartolini (SKAO), Rosie Bolton (SKAO), Thanasis Vergoulis (ATHENA RC), Jan Hajič (CUNI), Neil Chue Hong (UEDIN)


WP1 Overview - see slides

New joiners Sanje Fenkart (CERN), Monica Abrudan (ELIXIR), Rosie Bolton (SKAO).

Michel Jouvin has been discussing AI, and the use of LLM/RAG for the needs of Everse. IJCLab is recruiting and plan to investigate those tools primarily for WP5 (training assistance), but this can further benefit to WP1 (documentation crawling) and WP3 (software quality assitance, a la Co-Pilot). In legal terms, it seems we can start to look at this, then report after 6 months.

Institute contacts

ACTION: Please fill in who to contact in your institute for WP1: Spreadsheet in Owncloud


Web version (access via Edugain login) or desktop client / phone app use the URL Mattermost: https://mattermost.hzdr.de/

Joining the Network

We view the development of the network and its governance as an iterative process.

We need to elaborate a value proposition (sorry!)

Governance framework

Examples: https://society-rse.org, https://apache.org/foundation, https://www.rd-alliance.org/become-a-member/

Satelite event of Funders Forum in September, Uppsala: https://adore.software/2024-international-research-software-funders-workshop/

Monica: could we have global partners in WP1? Perhaps as associated partners, but they will have expectations. In any case, associated partners roles should be defined in black and white. Also, since EVERSE aims to have global impact, we should consider input from global partners.

Fotis: consider a formal ToR / Governance document for the Network

ACTION: CERN/SKAO organise a Task 1.1 meeting to develop ideas on governance


ACTION: ELIXIR / OpenAIRE to connect re T1.2
ACTION: Giacomo will get in touch with Carlos and organize the T1.3 work

Next Meeting: 22 May @11h CEST https://indico.cern.ch/event/1410014/