Adrian reported about progress of Python3 APEL client tested at RAL. Julia suggested to involve Thomas Hartmann
from Desy in testing since they have their resources on EL9.
There is some reorganization of APEL development and management ongoing.
No much progress for the new server deployment. Adrian told more testing was needed. Julia asked to report on
the time line at the next meeting.
Julia asked about new agreement with EGI portal development team and deployment of the latest version of the 
EGI portal to production. Will be clarified by the next meeting.
Adrian asked about status of portal  receiving part  development instance. Will be followed up offline. Today
is a holiday in Spain.
There will be an operations session during WLCG WS in Desy. Preliminary dates 15 or 16 of May. Julia asked people, 
in particular Adrian, to take part. Part of agenda will be on accounting tools, APEL in particular, and there will be a related 
topic on high memory jobs and whether any changes would be required for those jobs in the accounting workflow.
Renato told that for EGI operations it would be impossible to come, but if remote connectuon is possible, they would be interested to join.
Julia will clarify this point.
Next meeting is Friday 5th of April 11:30.