Muon Cooling Demonstrator Workshop Third Conveners' Meeting
Dear Colleagues,
The next discussion on the Muon Cooling Demonstrator workshop will be on Friday 10th May at 15:00 Central European time.
We can use the following Zoom:
Room ID: 253 412 449
Passcode: 105658
Unfortunately we have new information that the Fermilab mu2e collaboration plans to hold their collaboration meeting on the week 23-27 September, at Fermilab. This is good, as many interested parties may be travelling to Fermilab; but unfortunately it will mean that we have to consider new dates for our workshop which we had planned for 23-24 September. I am very sorry that we will likely have to move it possibly into October.
So I propose the following agenda:
- Dates
- Meeting agenda (2 days or 3 days)
- Update on local organisation
For reference, the notes from our previous meetings can be seen here: