Library Science Talk - Power Automate Flow with Microsoft AI Builder
This Talk will take place in English exclusively on Zoom. Registration is not required to attend.
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Speaker Bio:
Hannes Lowagie is head of the catalographic section in KBR. He is currently working on the transition to RDA, Linked Open Data and the use of AI-technologies in the cataloguing process. He is member of EURIG, RSC Official Language group and the RDA-commissie for the Dutch-speaking part. He has a PhD in Medieval History (University of Ghent, 2012).
Abstract: Power Automate flow with Microsoft AI Builder
This presentation will discuss the development of a Power Automate flow with Microsoft AI Builder. This flow aims to address the challenges that cataloguers face in describing the ever-increasing amount of (digital) resources. It proposes an innovative solution for automating the bibliographic description process (for books, maps or periodicals), which includes metadata recognition, automatic subject indexing, and linking with other databases. The impact of this tool on cataloguers’ tasks and professional practices will also be explored.
The Zentralbibliothek Zurich, the CERN Scientific Information Service, and AILIS (Association of International Librarians and Information Specialists, Geneva) jointly organize the Library Science Talks. A programme of talks for 2024 can be found on the AILIS website.