Researchers' night
Bucharest, Magurele
Researchers' night has been held in Romania since 2002, in many places at once (Bucharest, Cluj, Iasi, Suceava, etc), so surely this is a great opportunity to present the mysterious and exciting particle physics to the general public. CERN@70 celebration will only add to other research domains, so it will benefit of its own tent. The experiments (ALICE (ISS+IFIN), nTOF + ISOLDE, RD50, WLCG and DsTAU ) will have their own stands inside the big tent, and many activities will take place there: movies, small experiments and equipment presentations, quizzes, talks between researchers and curious people of all ages, related experiments gifts (badges) , small-scale experimental setups, etc. Video presentations and short movies about different experiments will be included.