Early Career Researchers meeting
The early career scientist (ECR) session at FCC Week aims to bring together both ECRs working within the FCC community and those interested in the FCC to discuss experiences, hopes and concerns going forwards. It will consist of a short introduction, followed by a panel discussion where ECRs working across different areas of FCC activities (including physics and detector performance, accelerators and theory) will give a short introduction to themselves, and their work, before taking part in a moderated discussion on their experiences so far and the path going forwards. This will be followed by an open discussion amongst participants about ways to facilitate more ECR involvement in FCC-related activities. Further information will be communicated closer to the time.
Zoom auto-join url: https://cern.zoom.us/j/65733107437?pwd=0jFoaPOOJaa4lNFwnKkY3jopwbTqxr.1
Meeting ID: 657 3310 7437
Passcode: 388561
Alessandro Frasca
Aman Desai
Andrea Ciarma
Andrea Sciandra
Ang Li
Armin Ilg
Brieuc Francois
Elliot Reynolds
Francisca Garay Walls
Giacomo Broggi
Gustavo Perez Segurana
Haider Abidi
Jack Heron
Jacqueline Keintzel
John Patrick Salvesen
Juan Miguel Carceller
Julia Lynne Gonski
Juska Pekkanen
Kenny Jia
Kevin Langhoff
Liza Brost
Lourdes Urda
Matthew Daniel Citron
Małgorzata Niemiec
Milosz Zielinski
Roddy Cunningham
Spencer Gessner
- +12