INPP Demokritos-APCTP meeting and HOCTOOLS-II mini-workshop
Monday 30 September 2024 (09:00)
Friday 4 October 2024 (19:00)
Monday 30 September 2024
Christos Markou
Director of INPP
Christos Markou
Director of INPP
09:45 - 10:00
Holographic Mean field theory and Kondo lattice.
Sang-Jin Sin
Holographic Mean field theory and Kondo lattice.
Sang-Jin Sin
10:00 - 11:00
Classification of Fermionic RCFTs and Topological Phases Revisited
Sungjay Lee
Classification of Fermionic RCFTs and Topological Phases Revisited
Sungjay Lee
11:00 - 12:00
Lunch Break
Lunch Break
12:00 - 14:00
Schwarzschild Black Hole from Perturbation Theory to All Orders
Kanghoon Lee
Schwarzschild Black Hole from Perturbation Theory to All Orders
Kanghoon Lee
14:00 - 15:00
Applying the quantum field theoretic perturbiner approach to Einstein gravity, we compute the metric of a Schwarzschild black hole order by order in perturbation theory. Using recursion, this perturbative calculation can be carried out in de Donder gauge to all orders in Newton’s constant. The result is a geometric series which is convergent outside a disk of finite radius, and it agrees within its region of convergence with the known de Donder gauge metric of a Schwarzschild black hole. It thus provides a first all-order perturbative computation in Einstein gravity with a matter source. I’ll also discuss the generalization to the binary black holes.
Predictions for dense matter and neutron stars from the gauge/gravity duality
Matti Jarvinen
Predictions for dense matter and neutron stars from the gauge/gravity duality
Matti Jarvinen
15:00 - 16:00
The gauge/gravity duality, combined with information from lattice QCD, nuclear theory, and perturbative QCD, can be used to obtain predictions for the equation of state and transport in hot and dense QCD. I give an overview of an approach based on the holographic V-QCD model, which includes both nuclear and quark matter phases, separated by a first order phase transition. I demonstrate that the model includes an spatially modulated instability in the deconfined phase, which potentially extends to the region reachable in lattice and experimental studies in near future. By using the model in state-of-the-art simulations of neutron star binaries, I study the formation of quark matter during the merger process, and its effect on the threshold mass for prompt collapse into a black hole. I also discuss analysis of the bulk viscosity and predictions for neutrino transport in the quark matter phase.
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
16:00 - 16:30
Invariant tension in gravity
Constantin Bachas
Invariant tension in gravity
Constantin Bachas
16:30 - 17:30
Landau singularities from Whitney stratifications
Georgios Papathanasiou
Landau singularities from Whitney stratifications
Georgios Papathanasiou
17:30 - 18:30
Tuesday 1 October 2024
Finite Feynman Integrals
David Kosower
Finite Feynman Integrals
David Kosower
10:00 - 11:00
Classifying and organizing Feynman integrals according to their degree of divergence may be a useful tool in presenting scattering amplitudes. In this talk, I focus on the first step: systematically organizing and finding finite Feynman integrals. I will briefly discuss an approach based on Landau equations. I will then focus mostly on an approach based on Newton polytopes.
Subleading effects in soft-gluon emission at one-loop in massless QCD
Michal Czakon
Subleading effects in soft-gluon emission at one-loop in massless QCD
Michal Czakon
11:00 - 12:00
Lunch Break
Lunch Break
12:00 - 14:00
Dilaton-Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Gravity and its Cosmological Implication
Bum-Hoon Lee
Dilaton-Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Gravity and its Cosmological Implication
Bum-Hoon Lee
14:00 - 15:00
The dilaton-Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet(dEGB) Gravity is one of the simplest extensions of Einstein's gravity with the higher curvature term. After some motivation to go beyond Einstein's Gravity models, we briefly describe the dEGB model through the black holes. Unlike Einstein's gravity, we explain the existence of a minimum mass below which the black hole cannot be formed, which is the most prominent property. Then, we move on to the implication of this theory on the cosmological evolution. The major message is that it opens new possible phases: “Slow-roll”, “fast-roll”, and “kination” at the higher temperatures, in addition to the well-accepted radiation dominant, matter dominant, and cosmological constant dominant phases of the standard cosmological model. We also mention briefly the WIMP physics and gravitational waves to put the bounds on the parameters of dEGB gravity theory.
Intersection Theory for Fundamental Physics
Pierpaolo Mastrolia
Intersection Theory for Fundamental Physics
Pierpaolo Mastrolia
15:00 - 16:00
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
16:00 - 16:30
OPP at two loops
Konstantinos Papadopoulos
Nat. Cent. for Sci. Res. Demokritos (GR)
OPP at two loops
Konstantinos Papadopoulos
Nat. Cent. for Sci. Res. Demokritos (GR)
16:30 - 17:30
Towards numerical computation of dimensionally regularised QCD helicity amplitudes
Giuseppe Bevilacqua
Towards numerical computation of dimensionally regularised QCD helicity amplitudes
Giuseppe Bevilacqua
17:30 - 18:30
Wednesday 2 October 2024
Free day
Free day
10:00 - 18:30
19:30 - 22:30
Thursday 3 October 2024
Two loop QCD corrections to multiscale amplitudes: Progress towards ttj, wγγ and hbb final states
Simon Badger
Two loop QCD corrections to multiscale amplitudes: Progress towards ttj, wγγ and hbb final states
Simon Badger
10:00 - 11:00
I will discuss the progress towards providing the missing double virtual corrections to the listed final states using modern computational tools.
NNLO QCD phenomenology for 2-to-3 scattering process at the LHC: Wbb and photon+dijet final states
Heribertus Bayu Hartanto
NNLO QCD phenomenology for 2-to-3 scattering process at the LHC: Wbb and photon+dijet final states
Heribertus Bayu Hartanto
11:00 - 12:00
Lunch Break
Lunch Break
12:00 - 14:00
Two-loop amplitude reduction in the HELAC framework
Aris Spourdalakis
Two-loop amplitude reduction in the HELAC framework
Aris Spourdalakis
14:00 - 15:00
I will present recent progress in constructing a generic two-loop amplitude reduction algorithm within the computational framework of HELAC. Following the well-known OPP reduction approach at one loop, a two loop amplitude approach is developed. I will also discuss the differences between the 4-2ε and pure 4 dimensional reduction fitting.
Analytic Continuation of Five-Point Two-Loop Master Integrals
Nikos Dokmetzoglou
Analytic Continuation of Five-Point Two-Loop Master Integrals
Nikos Dokmetzoglou
15:00 - 16:00
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
16:00 - 16:30
Magnetic Defects in Conformal Field Theory
Matthew Roberts
Magnetic Defects in Conformal Field Theory
Matthew Roberts
16:30 - 17:30
Magnetic solenoids in quantum systems can have lead to novel and interesting physics in the deep infrared, owing to the fact that they can be classified by a number, the magnetic flux of the solenoid. We review the general physics of co-dimension two defects with an eye towards studying magnetic defects, and discuss new central charges that arise in these mixed dimensional systems. We comment on holographic constructions of these defects and give some physical observables.
A (super)gravitational perspective on magnetic defects
Christopher Rosen
A (super)gravitational perspective on magnetic defects
Christopher Rosen
17:30 - 18:30
Localized deformations of quantum field theories present interesting opportunities to enhance our understanding of the features of such theories at different length scales. This class of deformations is of particular interest in light of its applicability to inhomogeneities in cosmological settings, as well as interfaces and impurities in condensed matter systems. Despite the inherent interest of these systems, they are comparatively difficult to study (especially at strong coupling). Recently, progress has been made in quantifying the properties of these systems by employing a "holographic" duality that rephrases these deformed quantum field theories in terms of the variables of a dual higher dimensional (super)gravity theory. I provide a brief introduction to this application of gauge/gravity duality, focusing on the gravitational dual of a magnetic superconformal defect. I further overview recent notable results in this direction.
Friday 4 October 2024
Landscape of Yang Mills vacuum fields and condensation of magnetic fluxes in QCD
George Savvidy
Landscape of Yang Mills vacuum fields and condensation of magnetic fluxes in QCD
George Savvidy
10:00 - 11:00
The moduli space of covariantly constant gauge fields is infinite-dimensional and describes non-perturbative solutions of the Yang-Mills equation of superposed chromomagnetic flux tubes (vortices) of opposite magnetic charges. These gauge field configurations are stretched along the potential valleys of a constant energy density and are separated by potential barriers between classically degenerate vacua that are forming a complicated potential landscape of the QCD vacuum. It is suggested that the solutions describe the condensate of dense chromomagnetic vortices representing a dual analog of the Cooper pairs condensate in a superconductor. The solutions represent exact non-perturbative solutions of the YM equation in the background chromomagnetic field.
Dielectric top membranes in plane-wave backgrounds
Georgios Linardopoulos
Dielectric top membranes in plane-wave backgrounds
Georgios Linardopoulos
11:00 - 12:00
We investigate the large-N limit of the BMN matrix model by means of classical bosonic membranes that have spherical topology and spin inside the 11-dimensional maximally supersymmetric plane-wave background. First, we classify all possible M2-brane configurations based on the distribution of their components inside the SO(3) × SO(6) symmetric plane-wave spacetime. We then formulate some simple but very representative ansatze of dielectric tops that rotate in this space. We examine the radial and angular/multipole stability for a wide range of these configurations, locating their regions of stability and instability. We also demonstrate a ”cascade” phenomenon for the membrane instabilities by extending the analysis of fluctuations to higher orders of perturbation theory
Lunch Break
Lunch Break
12:00 - 14:00
How Arnol’d cat maps probe the properties of black holes
Stam Nicolis
How Arnol’d cat maps probe the properties of black holes
Stam Nicolis
14:00 - 15:00
Nested holography
Kostas Filippas
Nested holography
Kostas Filippas
15:00 - 16:00