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TB: BST over WR implementation - WREN rear transition module specifications

866/2-D05 (CERN)



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TB: BST over WR implementation
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Andrea Boccardi
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Tom presented to the TB the slides he was going to show the same day at a timing planning review in the afternoon.

The following points were highlited during the discussion:

  • With the new distribution system the trigger delay will be the same in all the points/nodes, but not the same as today. The delay in itself is not known.
    • the time of flight could be compensated in each WREN, but the method is not clear yet
    • the difference between the current delay and the new one should be estimated as the turn clock 'phase-shift' during the ramp will depend on it <= action ??
      • if it is significant we will need to adjust this for the 70 BPM crates (or at least per point)
  • The baseline for the TTC to WR migration is stll LS3 for both LHC and SPS
  • For the systems requiring the use of a splitter like the SPS BPM, optical modules to be used to drive the splitter have been identified but need to be tested <= action Tom?
  • The WREN TTC rear transition module (RTM) will not work in the BI catres
    • this might be an issue for the BLM system if the plan is to receive the BST directly in the VFC and use the P0 only for the daisy chain
  • The first WREN prototype can not be used: the P0 connections have been swapped 
  • It is to be clarified who will pay for the RTM <= action Thibaut??
  • The current SW tools for the BST monitoring will need to be ported. 
    • BI SW should discuss with CEM/CSS to see which diagnostic tools they are going to provide <= action Steen
  • The configuration of the BST need to be clarified
  • Some concerns from the SW section as we will pass from 1 master to more than 100
    • maintenance and configuration should be considered
    • having a global view and diagnostic will increase in complexity
  • It is not yet clear to BI if the new timing module will look to FESA like the old one
    • Tom said he hope so
  • The current BST diagnostic tools will need to be re-written, but this was anyway the case as they are currently in JavaFX
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