Oct 12 – 14, 2011
Physics Lecture Hall
Europe/Berlin timezone

Evaluation of triggering schemes for KM3NeT

Oct 12, 2011, 5:10 PM
HG (Physics Lecture Hall)


Physics Lecture Hall

Hörsaalgebäude - Staudtstraße 5 - 91058 Erlangen - Germany
Physics, reconstruction and software Parallel Session 1


Mr Thomas Seitz (ECAP - University of Erlangen (for the KM3NeT consortium))


The future neutrino telescope KM3NeT, to be built in the Mediterranean Sea, will be the largest Cherenkov detector and will include several hundred thousands photomultiplier tubes (PMT). In the deep sea the dominant source of PMT signals are decays of K40 and marine fauna bioluminescence. Selection of neutrino and muon events from this continuous optical background signals requires the implementation of fast and efficient data filtering algorithms. Various schemes for the filtering of background data and the selection of neutrino and muon events were evaluated for the KM3NeT telescope using Monte Carlo simulations. The results obtained in this study will be presented in the talk.


Mr Thomas Seitz (ECAP - University of Erlangen (for the KM3NeT consortium))


Mr Björn Herold (ECAP - University of Erlangen) Dr Rezo Shanidze (ECAP - University of Erlangen)

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
