Oct 12 – 14, 2011
Physics Lecture Hall
Europe/Berlin timezone

UHE Neutrino Searches

Oct 12, 2011, 11:55 AM
HG (Physics Lecture Hall)


Physics Lecture Hall

Hörsaalgebäude - Staudtstraße 5 - 91058 Erlangen - Germany
Plenary Session Plenary Session


Amy Connolly (University College London)


We expect an observable flux of neutrinos in the ultra-high energy (UHE) regime (above 10^18 eV) from the interactions of the highest energy cosmic rays with cosmic microwave background photons. I will review the latest constraints set by neutrino telescopes which are closing in on this UHE neutrino flux. The next generation of UHE neutrino experiments are aiming for detection volumes of order 100~km^3 in order to exploit a sample of these unique cosmic messengers. I will give an overview of what we can expect to come online in the field in the coming years.

Presentation materials