Andy Cormack
(ET Enterprises Ltd)
ET Enterprises Limited started in May 2007 and took over the photomultiplier tubes and accessories business of Electron Tubes Limited and will continue to manufacture, supply and develop the Electron Tubes brand product range. ET Enterprises is located in Uxbridge, which is about 30km west of London.
A subsidiary of Ludlum Measurements Inc., ET Enterprises Limited benefits from the additional production facilities of ADIT, a US based producer of photomultipliers. Similarly, ADIT, which specialises in photomultipliers for scintillation applications, has access to ET Enterprises' development resources and experience in many different photomultiplier applications worldwide.
We present information on the company, or manufacturing facilities, and our products, with a focus on work on photomultipliers for HEP experiments with requirements for 3 inch, 9 inch, and 11 inch diameter pmts.
Andy Cormack
(ET Enterprises Ltd)