Research Day 2024

Wednesday 18 September 2024 - 09:30
Mathematical Sciences Building, Durham University (Scott Logic Lecture Theatre)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
18 Sept 2024
09:30 Opening and welcome   (Scott Logic Lecture Theatre)
09:40 RIS presentation 1 - Nicola Hall   (Scott Logic Lecture Theatre)
09:55 RIS presentation 2 - Jamie Grimwade   (Scott Logic Lecture Theatre)
10:10 Ric Crossman - "Engagement With Mathematical Teaching Resources"   (Scott Logic Lecture Theatre)
10:35 --- Coffee break ---
11:05 Cuong Nguyen - "Optimal Tuning of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo on ReLU Neural Networks"   (Scott Logic Lecture Theatre)
11:30 Oliver Tough - "Particle systems, reaction-diffusion equations and the selection problem"   (Scott Logic Lecture Theatre)
11:55 --- Short break ---
12:05 Alpar Meszaros - "From fortifications and cafés to strategic crowds via optimal transport"   (Scott Logic Lecture Theatre)
12:30 --- Lunch break ---
13:30 Andrew Krause - "Interdisciplinary scientific storytelling through visualization"   (Scott Logic Lecture Theatre)
13:55 Tom Rudelius - "The String Landscape and the Swampland"   (Scott Logic Lecture Theatre)
14:20 --- Break (fruit juice and water) ---
14:50 Jack Shotton - "Classifying representations of the general linear group"   (Scott Logic Lecture Theatre)
15:15 Craig Duguid - "Fluid dynamics of stellar interiors"   (Scott Logic Lecture Theatre)
15:40 Closing   (Scott Logic Lecture Theatre)
15:50 --- Happy hour (wine reception) ---