ASGC Tier-1 Site Report - 26 March 2007 ========================================= Computing: * Installed Castor2 rfio clients on all WNs and removed Castor1 clients * CMS will continue using castor2 from now on. * Atlas will be unaffected by this change since lcg-utils are used instead. CMS: * Frontier migrated to new hardware. SLC4: * ASGC does plan to upgrade the T1 site to SLC4 within 1.5 months after the release. Events: Mar 23, 2007 * sam job submission err found at asgc * time stamp: 23-Mar-2007 13:04:23 * cause: could be arise from the site bdii restart after the dpm service migrated (to save time recovery the prob) and job sending in during that time will cause the lack of site resources and fail with js err. * recovered automatically in next sam testing.