UM Research Abroad - Student Talks
Tuesday 30 July 2024 -
Monday 29 July 2024
Tuesday 30 July 2024
Joshua Spitz
University of Michigan
Steven Goldfarb
University of Melbourne (AU)
Joshua Spitz
University of Michigan
Steven Goldfarb
University of Melbourne (AU)
16:00 - 16:10
Room: 4/S-030
Performance of jet flavor tagging algorithms on B±-jet reconstruction in LHCb kinematics
Ruide Xu
University of Michigan (US)
Performance of jet flavor tagging algorithms on B±-jet reconstruction in LHCb kinematics
Ruide Xu
University of Michigan (US)
16:10 - 16:30
Room: 4/S-030
Ruide Xu's final presentation for CERN summer project: Performance of jet flavor tagging algorithms on B±-jet reconstruction in LHCb kinematics
Study of Single Crystal Readout for the Development of Dual-Readout Calorimetry in Future e+/e- Collider Experiments
Jessaly Zhu
University of Michigan (US)
Study of Single Crystal Readout for the Development of Dual-Readout Calorimetry in Future e+/e- Collider Experiments
Jessaly Zhu
University of Michigan (US)
16:30 - 16:50
Room: 4/S-030
Tight WP Optimization of the ATLAS Experiment
Yongwen Zheng
University of Michigan (US)
Tight WP Optimization of the ATLAS Experiment
Yongwen Zheng
University of Michigan (US)
16:50 - 17:10
Room: 4/S-030
Intermediate Report on Summer Research At ALPHA
Elizaveta Gavrilova
University of Michigan (US)
Intermediate Report on Summer Research At ALPHA
Elizaveta Gavrilova
University of Michigan (US)
17:10 - 17:30
Room: 4/S-030
Semi-Dark Higgs Decay Analysis
Tyler Coates
University of Michigan (US)
Semi-Dark Higgs Decay Analysis
Tyler Coates
University of Michigan (US)
17:30 - 17:50
Room: 4/S-030
2S-4P Spectroscopy of Antihydrogen and Centrifugal Separation of Be+/e+ Plasma
Cheng Chiu
University of Michigan (US)
2S-4P Spectroscopy of Antihydrogen and Centrifugal Separation of Be+/e+ Plasma
Cheng Chiu
University of Michigan (US)
17:50 - 18:10
Room: 4/S-030
Summer Semester at CERN - Final Talk, ALPHA Collaboration
18:10 - 18:20
Room: 4/S-030