VHE event - Energy estimate task force


git project: https://git.km3net.de/groups/vhe-event/energy-estimate/

git issues: https://git.km3net.de/groups/vhe-event/energy-estimate/-/issues

Simulations Open Hour
Zoom Meeting ID
Carla Distefano
Useful links
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Zoom URL
    • 10:00 AM 10:20 AM
      Energy estimate updates 20m
      Speakers: Joao Coelho (CNRS / APC - Paris), Valentin Pestel (LPC Caen - CNRS - IN2P3)
    • 10:20 AM 10:40 AM
      Energy correction 20m
      Speaker: Anna Sinopoulou (INFN - Sezione di Catania)
    • 10:40 AM 11:00 AM
      Simulation validation 20m
      Speakers: Dr Christian Haack (ECAP, FAU Erlangen), Christian Haack, Dr Vladimir Kulikovskiy (INFN Genova), Vladimir Kulikovskiy (INFN Sezione di Genova)
    • 11:00 AM 11:20 AM
      Neutrino energy estimate 20m
      Speakers: Dr Carla Distefano (LNS-INFN), Carla Distefano, Dr Carla Distefano (Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (IT)), Luigi Antonio Fusco (University of Salerno)
    • 11:20 AM 11:40 AM
      Writing 20m
      Speaker: Luigi Antonio Fusco (University of Salerno)