By today:

Beam setup.
1. Set up aligned but requires beam navigation each time when beam production is changed.

2. Beam and beam part selection done for a present beam configuration (LeadGlass, Preshower and Cherenkov). Number of electrons a bit low (~15%). Needs to be increased up to 30%.

3. Beam detector DAQ operational.

4. Monitoring works but accumulates low statistics (this will stay as it is)

5. Express offline works and ready for the data taking.

6. VME crate requires reboot 2 times a day.

7.ALL information how to run DAQ must be in a shifter instruction.

1. Works, sees triggers and particles. 
2. Express analysis works
3. Issues to be resolved:
4. GUI configuration.
    - Masking noisy pixels
    - Operation threshold and temperature
    - Operation HV
    - dE/dX peak position
    - Two pixel coordinate distribution
5. Shifter instruction now to run TimePix and reboot readout must be done.

Coming days:
1. Setup 20 GeV beam in new configuration with 30% electrons
2. Maximise trigger rate
3. Study Time pix problems.
4. As soon is ready start  tracking studies  at different angles (1day shift):
 Check 0- degree position and make scan at different angles 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5 .... 15 degrees.