CERN 70th Anniversary - Japanese Particle and Nuclear Physics Research in Collider Experiments at CERN
Tuesday 17 Sept 2024, 13:30
Hokkaido, Japan
Hokkaido, Japan
2024 79th Physical Society of Japan Annual Meeting
All the talks are given in Japanease.
Introduction (M. Tomoto, 5min)
From LEP to LHC:Verification of SM and beyond (T. Kobayashi, 25min)
Acheimvents of LHC-ATLAS: Attraction and Impact of Energy Frontier Physics (Y. Okumura, 25min)
Lepton Measurement at LHC/ALICE and Approach to Origin of Hadronic Mass (K. Shigaki, 25min)
Towards the complete understanding partonic matter through jet and photon measurements at LHC/ALICE (T. Chujo, 25min)
Theoretical exploration for physics beyond the standard model (J. Hisano, 25min)
Endeavors to realization of HL-LHC and expectation to exploring frontiers (H. Oide, 25min)
World's Next-Generation Collider Experiments: Dream Beyond the HL-LHC (K. Yorita, 25min)
Closing Remarks (J. Tanaka 5min)
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