Meeting of authors of B-mumu subsection in writeup
Thursday 29 March 2007 -
Monday 26 March 2007
Tuesday 27 March 2007
Wednesday 28 March 2007
Thursday 29 March 2007
Writeup status
Maria Smizanska
Writeup status
Maria Smizanska
09:30 - 09:40
Room: 40-R-A10 / VRVS Island Virtual Room
Theoretical introduction
Ulrich Nierste
Theoretical introduction
Ulrich Nierste
09:40 - 10:00
Room: 40-R-A10 / VRVS Island Virtual Room
Overview of current experimental results
Gerald Eigen
Overview of current experimental results
Gerald Eigen
10:00 - 10:20
Room: 40-R-A10 / VRVS Island Virtual Room
Performance of LHC experiments
Maria Smizanska
Lancaster University
Performance of LHC experiments
Maria Smizanska
Lancaster University
10:20 - 10:30
Room: 40-R-A10 / VRVS Island Virtual Room
Signal selection
Andrey Starodumov
Signal selection
Andrey Starodumov
10:30 - 10:50
Room: 40-R-A10 / VRVS Island Virtual Room
Expected combinatorial background
Frederic Teubert
Expected combinatorial background
Frederic Teubert
10:50 - 11:10
Room: 40-R-A10 / VRVS Island Virtual Room
Dedicated backgrounds (exclusive B decays)
Nikolai Nikitin
Dedicated backgrounds (exclusive B decays)
Nikolai Nikitin
11:10 - 11:30
Room: 40-R-A10 / VRVS Island Virtual Room