Key4hep Discussion
CERN Key4hep Discussion
Attendees: Giulia, Katerina, Swathi, Juan, Mateusz, Andre, Leonhard
Apologies: Benedikt
Date: September 17
## News
## Round The Table
### Leonhard
* Turned on some operators in Whizard for the process
* Started using RDataSource for EDM4hep
* Cannot use collections like RVec's would be nice if collections could be used directly, need to loop manually
* "Notebook" design pattern???
* MuColl -- ACTS tracking meeting
* ACTS meeting:
### Andre
* Back from vacation
### Mateusz
* EDM4hep and podio pythonisation to disable adding attributes
* Makes collections return existing objects as const objects (immutable)
* Bad things happened with mutable objects
* Add bounds checking for `__getitem__`????
* FWCore
* MetadataHandle is merged
* MetadataSvc in review
### Juan
* CED transparency fixed by using system libraries again
* New release Key4hep release
* Associations --> links in podio
* Need to try out if files are readable that were made before
* Compilerflag alignment for repos
* Overlay ready to be merged after final test
### Swathi
* Wrote PandoraPFA section for Feasibility study software note
* Worked with Katerina: DDCaloDigi tried validation for ILD, does not use DDCaloDigi any longer
* Already separated into specific digitisers
### Katerina
* PR with DDCaloDigi:
* Split DDCaloDigi into Silicon and Scintillator
* Some things are only applied in ECal, "LayerConfig"
* ILD has RealisticCaloDigi processors
### Giulia
* Hits are lost after a secondary particle is created, if that secondary particle takes most of the energy.
* Half of the secondary photons are reconstructed as electrons, because
## AOB
## Summerstudents
* Dates:
* Katerina Kostova: 01/07 to 27/09
* Rehearsal: Thu, Sep 19, 10:00
* Giulia Gianoli: 01/07 to 27/09
* Rehearsal: Thu, Sep 19, Afternoon
## Next Meeting
September 17, 2024