Attendeess: Marco, Tibor, Giovanni, Ruben and Enrique
Ruben present his work (cf. Attached presentation) to the audience
T: How did you created the tabs of the extension ?
It's not a wrapper, tabs are create by hand. --> If the UI is updated, this would need to be done by hand.
M +R : All the components would need to be upgraded by hand, nothing being wrapped.
T: Extension looks very complete. Great job!
T: The extension open a lot of potential future collaboration, as it based on reana basics.
T: The extension is also connected with the python kernel, what opens the possibility of checking resutlks from different workflows (WIP).
E: The extension will be presented to the AF meeting (next Friday). The integration within SWAN will be discussed too.
T: The current way the REANA UI works is by linking a single workflow with a directory, to avoid multiple calls to the same data/analysis/directory/workflow. Something to have in mind and a potential WIP.
Some discussion about the jsonschema compatibility with yadage --> issue on yadage repo still pending.
Potential future improvements:
Dynamical interaction of terminals and different reana servers via the extension (cern, vre, atlas... instances).