For Module group (especially for ALTIROCA)
Master spreadsheet
Measurement quality flags
- Function to compare a measurement value with boundaries => flag this with good / ok / bad
- Define "
overall good
" as logical and
of the different flags, apply conditional formatting (green / orange / red)
- For each non-good: reason of failure with limited list of options (such that not every individual writes their own text description)
- Here is a mockup to show what is meant with it:
- List all current attributes, ask module group if sth is missing
- Create up-to-date csv with template for (bulk) upload
Adding links / buttons to pages
- Part => link measurement table for this part
- Part => link grafana page for this part
- Part => button to add attribute for this kind of part
- Part => button to add measurement for this part
- Part => button to add new part for this kind of part
- Hybrid => sensor
- If hybrid is loaded: => is left / right w.r.t. module
Summary page
- List all modules
- Filter/sort by sth
- E.g. query all modules that are overall good, all modules that are at a specific site... etc.