JE ME SOUVIENS: Celebrating Diversity & Inclusion at CERN @70

160/1-009 (CERN)



Show room on map
Louise Carvalho (CERN)

CERN personnel are welcome to drop by at your convenience for this light and informative celebration of Diversity and Inclusion at CERN.  Join us as we reflect on the past, the present, and the future of D&I at our Organization. 

Room capacity is limited and participants may be required to stand. Do leave the seats available for those who prefer to be seated.  

Note: photographer will be present and photos published on D&I website

Zoom Meeting ID
John Cassar
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We look forward to welcoming you
    • 9:00 AM 9:30 AM
      Coffee & Croissants 30m
    • 9:30 AM 10:15 AM
      How Women Got the Right to Study and to Choose...Science! 45m

      A presentation from Brigitte Mantilleri, former head of the Equality & Diversity office of UNIGE. Based on her upcoming book, "La Brèche", Brigitte will describe some of the challenges women had to overcome to study science and medicine at UNIGE prior to 1922. Brigitte will recount the personal experiences of 7 students up to and including Costanza Bonadonna the first Dean of the Faculty of Science at UNIGE.

      Speaker: Brigitte Mantilleri
    • 10:30 AM 11:20 AM
      "Je me souviens" 50m

      CERN personnel - past and present - share D&I-related stories of their time at CERN.

      With special guests:
      Sudeshna Datta Cockerill (first D&I Programme Leader and former Ombud)
      Eva-Maria Gröniger-Voss (former CERN Legal Counsel)

      More speakers to come, including:

      Speakers: Sudeshna Datta Cockerill, Genevieve Guinot, Eva-Maria Groniger-Voss, James Purvis, Maria Elena Angoletta, Clarissa Stolfi, Mr Jens Vigen (CERN), Maria Kienzle (Universite de Geneve (CH)), Sofia Intoudi (CERN), Clara Nellist (University of Amsterdam and Nikhef (NL)), Jean-Yves Le Meur (CERN)
    • 11:30 AM 12:15 PM
      The Culture of Physics: a love story 45m

      Maria asks: "Do you belong in physics? What are you able to sacrifice in the name of love (for physics)? Join me to laugh and reflect about (your) life in physics. Listen to someone who studies physicists for a living (a job more interesting than physics in itself, I dare say?!)".

      Maria Gedoz-Tieppo is an Italo-Brazilian PhD student in Educational Sciences at the University of Lund in Sweden. As a cultural analyst, her interest lies in the intersection between identity, diversity and scientific knowledge. Her doctoral research is a qualitative study of the “physics culture” in higher-education settings and how it reproduces and/or challenges social inequalities.

      3 CERN colleagues will respond to Maria's talk:
      - Nuria Catalan Lasheras (Applied Physicist);
      - Pranjal Nayak (Theoretical Physicist);
      - Sara Hansen (Fire & Safety Officer)

      More about Maria, here:

      Speaker: Maria Gedoz Tieppo
    • 12:20 PM 12:30 PM
      “All That Matters”, a musical tribute 10m

      CERN physicst Tiziana von Witzleben performs her original composition inspired by CERN and life at CERN, accompanied by Miguel Hermo Serans on guitar.

      Speakers: Miguel Hermo Serans, Tiziana Von Witzleben