low-priority framework issues
- https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/O2-5231 Many processes crashing after throwing instance of 'boost::interprocess::lock_exception'
- fixed and closed
- https://alice.its.cern.ch/jira/browse/O2-1900 : Merged workflow fails if outputs defined after being used as input
- needs to be implemented by Giulio
- https://alice.its.cern.ch/jira/browse/O2-2213 : Cannot override options for individual processors in a workflow
- requires development by Giulio first
- implement something similar as for AOD metadata
- serialized and separated workflow options to be compared with already given options
- policies on how to proceed in case of options present several times to be discussed
- https://alice.its.cern.ch/jira/browse/O2-4166 ROOT Messages in the output of a workflow should not generally be interpreted as error
- locally, FairLogger messages are communicated via WebSocket to the driver while all other output just goes through stderr
- at P2, all goes via InfoLogger and is disrtibuted in two log files, `*_out.log` containing the FairLogger messages and `*_err.log` the stderr
- log messages in ROOT all sent to `stderr` with `fprintf`
- more iterations required with Giulio to identify the best way how to interpret them properly
- DebugGUI
- unknown logs (such as those from ROOT) are printed in dark red compared to neon red for FairLogger `ERROR` logs
- different color (light gray, dark green) can mitigate the issue for the eyes, but not real solution since real `stderr` will be printed in the same color
- few (`INFO`) logs without timestamp at the beginning of each task are printed in unknown color (dark red)
- logs with true % sign now printed in color (fix by Giulio)
- working on DebugGUI improvements
- https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/O2-4196 Show in the debugGUI which input is condition / optional / timeframe
- https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/O2-2209 Show data origin/description in the info box when hovering a processor spec
- should clean up known issues in QC shifter's documentation and filters for InfoLoggers
- everything related to dropping incomlpete erors at EOR
- oldestPossibleOutput errors
- SW installation on EPNs
- limit number of SW versions to 8 (?) for disk space