HGTD Production DataBase
Zoom Meeting ID
Song-Ming Wang
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Discussion with users 30m
Wafer and Sensor 10m
ASIC 10m
Hybrid 10m
Module Flex 10m
Module 10m
This is a comment written in the modules section, but it is actually meant more globally for Assembly:
- Soon, Assembly / Integration should get a slot in the DB meetings and Daniela et al. asked me to represent this group as well (Assembly meetings are unfortunately also Tuesdays at 15:00)
- Assembly is doing internal feedback round to define naming conventions and requirements for the database (expected to converge early October)
- Requirements as I understand them so far (summarizing email thread):
- do not require an Assembly table, but instead add more information per part that is useful for assembly (where is the part located w.r.t. detector as a whole and w.r.t. other parent parts)
- need relations between
- VTRX <-> PEB (a PEB has many VTRX)
- PEB <-> DU (a PEB related to many DU)
- PEB <-> Flex Tail (a PEB related to many Flex Tail)
- Flex Tail <-> DU (a DU related to many Flex Tail)
- DU <-> SU (1-to-1)
- DU <-> Module (a DU related to many Modules)
- keep track of historical positions of the N entities within their (potentially changing) parents (example: one flex tail can fit in multiple positions, because there are fewer individual lengths than there are needed cables)
- need a static lookup table that holds multiple variants of conventions to easily convert between them (not yet finalized, but will likely be a way to identify module position via Row + Count within Row => associated DU, identify position within DU => find Row and Module number within row
- this could be a reusable component that can be used independent of an individual module, but a page that serves this purpose alone and then also for each module (if user enters the position with one convention, automatically convert into different convention)
- the convention to label position within detector / on cooling plate will likely be encoded as Quadrant:Layer:Vessel string
- test results for parts: VTRX (just a text field filled by assembly), PEB (unclear what tests), DU (three steps of tests, at reception, after assembly, cold test, but also unclear what exactly), Flex tail (text field to be filled by assembly; additional test info tba.)
Flex Tail 10m
Support Unit / Detector Unit 10m
PEB 10m
Database integration within the DAQ software 20mSpeakers: Mr Abdelhamid HADDAD, Dr Louie Dartmoor Corpe (Laboratoire de Physique Clermont Auvergne (LPCA))
- 15:50 → 16:10
HGTD Production database 20m