Presents: Joe Mambretti, Edoardo Martelli, Marian Babik, Tristan Sullivan, Carmen Misa, Bill Johnston, John McAuely, Vitaliy Kondratenko, Chris Walker, Andy Lake, Yatish Kumar, Bruno Hoeft, Jim Chen.
- LHCONE meeting #53
- MultiONE implementtion:: GGUS ticket campaign started on 23rd/9/2024. We hope to see more tagged prefixes soon
- Tristan got connectivity to UVIC. Testing has started. From Starlight to Uvic is better than in the other direction. There is a 15-20% impact on performances when using the extension header vs a 1% impact when using the flowlabel field.
- Tristan: can give a report to the LHCONE meeting about this testing.
- Joe: there will be six 400G connections to the Starlight booth
- Joe: scitags was mentioned at the gloabl reasearch platform event in Japan