Adrian, Maria, Carlos, Ivan, Julia
Alessandro and Renato excused
Adrian reported that Greg was following up with the sites which tried to use new APEL client. ldap problem has been fixed. UMD repository should be ready soon , APEL client will be published there.
Looks like the problem with data flow on the development instance is not yet working. Maria was publishing data , did not see errors in the logs and data still did not show up in the portal. This needs to be fixed. Looking forward to have news about this issue at the next meeting.
Currently, Maria is sending old format records reporting to the development server. Machine configured for the reporting of the records containing the name of the benchmark is ready, but reporting is not yet enabled. When data started to flow properly, Maria would let Adrian and Ivan know, so that old data could be cleaned before the new machine starts reporting.
Carlos and Ivan told that the agreement with QUANTA (sorry not sure whether the spelling is correct) is a sort of ready, but some other document is required form EGI to get to the final signing. Should happen soon
QUANTA team will have two developers. Ivan told that when agreement is finalized he would organize a meeting to discuss the strategy, the process, requirements, etc...
Julia asked for progress report at the next WLCG Ops Coordination meeting in October. Adrian agreed.
Next meeting is Wednesday the 25th of September at 11:30.