15 Participants: Alexia Augier, Antoine Chance, Christian Carli, Cloe Levointurier-Vajda, Daniel Schulte, Davide Zuliani (WP2), E.J. Bahng, Elias Metral, Luca Bottura, Lucio Rossi, Michela Lancellotti, Natalia Milas, Priscilla Pani (DESY), R. Taylor, Roberto Losito.


News & reminders (D. Schulte, R. Losito)
1) IMCC Demonstrator workshop next week in Fermilab (Chicago, US).
2) The preliminary parameters milestone report is being finalised. However, further discussions on parameters will be needed for the ESPPU report.


MuCol 1st period (P1) reporting (C. Levointurier-Vajda)
The P1 report is composed by 2 parts, a technical section (Part A & Part B) and a financial part. All Institutes/work packages will have to contribute. For the financial part, it is the responsibility of each Beneficiary to report the eligible costs incurred during P1 and to enter them on the Portal for the Financial Statements.
Moreover, we should make sure that the deviations in the financial part are reflected and justified in the technical part as well (L. Rossi)

After the end of reporting period (28 Feb 2024) the Consortium has only 2 months to submit the P1 report (30 April 2024), so the preparation of mandatory documents should be anticipated as much as possible. The EU PO may ask for a review meeting afterward (P1 Review meeting). 

All beneficiaries + UK/CH institutes should report on their activities/ressources. Customized templates will be distributed in November and the first version of the documents should be submitted in January. The technical part should also include info on dissemination and communication activities, impact, and publications on the EC Portal. All Publications including MuCol should be published on Zenodo to facilitate the process. 

A more detailed presentation will be given during the next MuCol Governing Board (21st Nov 2024). The list of administrative contacts should be reviewed and updated. More details and detailed timeline on slides.


Milestones reports
All reports of upcoming milestones (below) should be circulated to the Management Committee before Friday 25th October for review. The reports will be submitted early next week. List of milestones due by October 31st: