PS-SPS Users Meeting for Week 39 held on September 26th 2024

Coordinator for this week: E.Barbara Holzer

SPS proton beam will stop on Thursday 31th October in the morning. The last users have one additional night of beam!

News from the PS & SPS Physics Coordinator

E.B. Holzer, M.R. Jäkel

Proton Run 2024

Ion Run 2024

Reminder: Beam time exceeding the limits of 2 weeks PS beam time and 1 week SPS beam time per year need the approval of one of these CERN committees: SPSC, LHCC, DRDC, INTC, RB or IEFC. Consider joining a DRD collaboration, if you require more beam time.

Target intensities:
See here or via ASM (accessible from within the CERN network).

News from the Facilities Operations Meeting (FOM) (M.R. Jäkel)

Upcoming SPS MDs next weeks :
Dedicated SPS MDs - if not anounced differently - are taking place from 8:00 to 18:00

PS Machine Report (E.H.Maclean)

Very good availability (98.7%)

Main activities:

SPS Machine Report (A. Spierer)

Safety (A. Schouten)

n_ToF (M.Bacak, P.M.Milazzo)

Smooth data taking.

End of the measurement dedicated to 24Mg(n, n’) and 16O(n, n’) with different LaBr3 detectors.

Installation in EAR1 of telescope ΔE-E detectors and of a low mass fission chamber to study Double-Differential Cross Section (DDX) of Neutron-Induced Charged-Particle Emission from a Carbon sample

Data taking on:

Protons received

East Area Beam Status (J. Bernhard)

On call phone number: 67500

General: Observation that too many users do not have helmets and safety shoes.
T09: Good operation.
T10: Good operation.
T11: Good operation.

East Area Users Tour de Table

T8 Main: IRRAD/CHARM (S.Fiore, D. Bozzato)

last week devoted to RP activities (see below)
Yesterday in IRRAD we installed a new ATLAS ITk experiment while the EP-ESE and other long-term experiments were restarted after the RP week. ALICE FOCAL experiment executed on Wed. afternoon using the same low intensity beam (~1E10 pps) developed for the RP Week. In CHARM we installed setups by BE-CEM and SY-BI.

T9 Main: HIKE SAC & NanoCal (Matthew Moulson)

Yesterday, we ended the main series of measurements with the Crilin prototype for HIKE SAC at 08:00
We are currently doing one additional measurement on time resolution with/without crystal alignment, using a single crystal. We expect this to end by 14:00 today.
The NanoCal prototype is being assembled in the T09 control room and will be installed this afternoon.
All of the rest of our setup is the same, so the switchover will be quite quick.
We are using the same beam files, etc. for NanoCal as for HIKE SAC.
We will give a summary of measurements done at next meeting.

T9 Incoming Main: STRAW TRACKER (Week 40) (Temur Enik, Katerina Kuznetsova)

requirements (we are in contact to Dipanwita and Aboubakr):


safety visit (will request asap) for Wednesday 16h00

gas (will contact gas team asap):

T10 Outgoing Main: BL4S (S. Zoechling)

Two weeks of successful beam time ended yesterday with both of the winning teams at CERN giving also their final presentations and first results of their measurements yesterday afternoon.

Link to presentation by Team Mavericks from Estonia:
Google Docs Link

Link to presentation by Team Sakura Particles from Japan:
Microsoft OneDrive Link


Thank you so much to everyone involved in BL4S (BE-EA, Beam Instrumentation, Infastructure Services, safety, and so many more)!! We highly appreciate all your time and efforts and we wouldn’t be able to run this without all the precious support we receive!!

Thank you also on behalf of the students which you can see in the pic below:

T10 Main: ALICE RICH (M. Nicola Mazziotta)

Set-up completed and we have closed the area around midnight on Sep 24. We are finalizing the layout and opmizing DAQ systems. Today, we still plan to have long access (maybe in free mode)

T10 Parallel: RE7 GAMMA MEV (M. Nicola Mazziotta)

Set-up completed and we have closed the area around midnight on Sep 24. We are finalizing the layout and opmizing DAQ systems. Today, we still plan to have long access (maybe in free mode)

T11 Main: CLOUD (Eva Sommer)

CLOUD campaign is going well. No problems so far.

Incoming AWAKE (Week 40) (M. Bergamaschi)

On Monday 30th of September 5th awake run starts.
Starting physics program

North Area Beam Status (J. Bernhard)

On call phone number: 67500

Target sharing, also in ASM (accessible from within the CERN network)

T2 T4 T10 T6 Date Week
30 56 21 150 11.09. 37
30 56 21 30 04.10. 40
30 56 (45 tbd) 21 150 09.10. 41

H2: Good operation.
H4: Good operation.
H6: Good operation.
H8: Good operation.
M2: Electron and muon beams checked. Issue with one jaw of Scraper 752 having fluctuating readings. It was set remotely last week be BE-CEM piquet and on 25th Sep an access was done to confirm the position of the jaw. The potentiometer to be exchanged next Wednesday.
P42/K12: Good operation besides 7h experiment downtime due to double start of spill signal. Steering check on T10 done on Monday. Congratulations to NA62 for reaching 5σ5σ!

For next week for H6/H8 we will change to the negative setup in T4 but due to availabilities this will be done on Thursday 3rd in the afternoon. H6/H8 will have positive charge until then.

For information:

North Area Users Tour de Table


NA62 (M. Raggi)

Smooth operation during this week. Just an accident with multiple EOB signal received on Thrusday 19th. Traced back to start at 8.30 AM. Required 7h to figure out that the double EOB was coming from accelerator side. First iteration with CCC failed, solved thanks to Nicos.
There is some instability in the 50 Hz component, primarily but not exclusively near the transition of SPS cycles.


Main: MUONE (Carlo Ferrari)


Outgoing Main: CMS HGCAL (A. Steen, sorry, I may not be able to connect to the meeting)

Main: LHCB ECAL (D. Manuzzi, L. Martinazzoli)


Main: DRD1 (Yorgos Tsipolitis, Karl Floethner, Katerina Kuznetsova)

Very good Beam.
All setups can operate and take data (currently only one setup faces unstable operation).
Successful data taking during the Magnet shift (from 00:00 to 08:00).
Next Magnet shift planned in upcoming night (from 04:00 to 08:00).
Beam tuning for potential Pion beam was done (Thanks to Nikos).
Crane operation for deinstallation requested for next wednesday at 10:00.
RP vesit has to be checked - MD status unclear (according to schedule there would be again no MD)?

Main: GIF++ (Paolo Martinengo)

ATLAS-RPC-Legacy - 1 detector
ATLAS-MPI (RPC & sMDT) - 2 detectors
CMS-CSC - 2 detectors
CMS-RPC - 3 detectors
EP-DT2 - 1 detector
Ecogas - 1 detector

Smooth data taking

Incoming Main: SND (Week 40) - Gerardo Vasquez:

Beam requested: 10k/spill

Infrastructure needed:

Installation to be done by 2pm. Safety visit can be done at 3-4 pm?
Setup A

Setup B


Outgoing Main: ATLAS HGTD (Stefano Manzoni)

-Succesful two weeks of data-taking
-Thanks to Laurie and the beam team for the help and a very stable beam
-Quick dismounting of the setup in few hours -> we will keep the setup (dismounted) in the area in case of a last week of data taking under discussion with ITK

Outgoing Parallel: PICSEL (Mathieu Goffe)

Successful data taking, everything’s went smoothly Thanks to:

Main: EP PIXEL (Younes Otarid)

Ongoing data taking. Smooth operation so far.
Slightly different ratio of radiation levels to rate compared to previous test-beam periods. To be clarified with Laurie.

Parallel: ATLAS ITK PIXEL (Please Put Your Name Here)

Incoming Main: RADICAL (Week 40) (Alexi Mestvirishvili, James Wetzel, Randy Ruchti)

Set up midday, 2 October with safety inspection in the afternoon.
CERN: Beam pipe extension, Beam Chamber with cabling and power supplies, remotely controlled Motion table,and access to counting room.
Beam: positive (positrons). 10k/spill. Well collimated to avoid beam spray. Energy Range 5 GeV < E < 120 GeV: 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125 GeV.

RADiCAL equipment: MCP for timing reference. 1x1 and 2x2 cm^2 trigger scintillators. RADiCAL module. 25 radiation lengths and 1 lambda. Pb glass backing calorimeter. NIM trigger logic. All elements read into CAEN DT5742 waveform digitizers.

Goals: To demonstrate timing resolution at EM Shower Max of ~ 15 psec for a positron beam energy of 125 GeV, and in the high energy limit ~ 10psec. To assess the timing resolution for low energy positrons. Study shower position resolution.

Run plan:
2 October: bring all equipment into functional operation, beam energy at highest value to verify no saturation of low gain SiPM signals.
3 October - 6 October: 1M triggers at each of seven beam energies using DSB1 WLS.
6 October - 8 October: 1M triggers at up to seven beam energies using LuAG:Ce WLS.
9 October - disassembly of equipment, and safety checkout.

On site spokesperson: James Wetzel (, +1 563 508 3336)
On site technical coordinator: Alexi Mestvirishvili (, 16-2942)
Remote: electrical engineer - Thomas Anderson (, +1 434 227 1166)
Remote: Randy Ruchti (, +1 574 302 7181)
Note: This work is performed in connection with ECFA DRD6-WP3.


Main: ATLAS TILECAL (Giulio Usai and Tigran Mkrtchyan)

We have the usual setup with two legacy modules and two upgrade modules where we study the calibration and how to propagate this into ATLAS. This Run we have the full off-detector chain with Pre-processor (CPM/ACB/TDAQi), all components going into the FDR in October and FELIX.
We have also the last version of the on-deftector electronics in particular the Daughterboard which pass the FDR in august
During the first week we were able to take beam only on the legacy electronics/detector due
to problems in the readout of the phase-2 upgrade readout chain.
All the problems are finally solved and we started finally with beam on the phase-2 system. We hope to complete the electron program before tomorrow at 10, when we will switch the gas in the cherenkov and start the hadron/muon program program
The beam quality is excellent like last run.

If there are no users downstream, on week 40 we would like to take the possibility to stay in the area and then move in garage on Week 41
Many thanks to all personnel of SPS and NA for their help.

Incoming Main: BI XBPF (Week 40) (Please Put Your Name Here)

Parasitic Users

H6: ATLAS MALTA (Ignacio Asensi (BCM update))

BCM finally left the setup on Friday. We were finally able to take meaninful data. For that thanks to the MALTA people for letting us stay a little longer. MALTA setup is back permanent setup.

H6: ALICE ITS3 (Paolo Martinengo)

set-up installed & commisioned yesterday, started data taking

H8: STRAW TRACKER RD (Please Put Your Name Here)

H8 Outgoing: TRIDENT (Please Put Your Name Here)


Minutes by the respective speakers, edited by E. B. Holzer, M. Jäkel, T. Shulha, and M. Schwinzerl