Detecting and characterizing planets in multiple systems is not an easy task, because the traces of each body overlap, and the observations can be reproduced by different orbital configurations. Additionally, in many systems, planets are involved in mean motion resonances or resonant chains, making it even more difficult to disentangle the individual contributions. In the DDE symposium, we aim to bring together communities of observers and theoreticians working on exoplanets. Through the exchange of knowledge and difficulties, we hope that it will be possible to develop common strategies to extract the maximum constraints from observational data and theoretical models.
- Stability and dynamics of planetary systems
- Formation and evolution of planetary systems
- Exomoons, exorings, and trojan systems
- Planets in binary systems
- Star-planet interactions and exoplanets' characterization
- RV-detected multiple systems
- TTVs and transit-detected compact systems
- Astrometry and direct imaging
- Future synergies between theory and observations
Registration Fee: 350 EUR (Students 300 EUR)
– December 1, 2024: Registration Opens
– March 31, 2025: Registration Deadline*
*There is a limit of 120 participants, Registration will close as soon as this number is reached.
Price includes the social dinner and a visit to the University of Coimbra Museums: Biblioteca Joanina, the Palace of Schools, the Tower of the University, the Science Museum and the Botanical Garden.