WLCG Management Board
16:00 CERN/10:00 EDT/09:00 CDT
URL for the ZOOM call: https://cern.zoom.us/j/66011416092 (the passcode has been distributed by email)
To join by phone (see the dedicated support page):
1) dial your local ZOOM number (e.g. +41432107108) then enter the MB meeting ID 660 1141 6092 then #
2) mute your phone (there is no auto-mute facility)
Note: calls are charged to the caller (there is no callback facility)
Email Distribution List: worldwide-lcg-management-board@cern.ch
Email List Archive: worldwide-lcg-management-board (requires CERN authentication)
Minutes: Management Board Meeting Minutes
Action List: MbActionList
See also the: WLCG Document Repository, WLCG Web Site
Zoom Meeting ID
Andrea Sciabà
Alternative hosts
Simone Campana, Maarten Litmaath
Useful links
Join via phone
Zoom URL