Minutes from Nov 4th, 2024
Summary speakers
Summary talk which is very forward looking would be excellent. Then we should stop at 15:30 on the Friday. Could do both an experimental and theory speaker.
Focus more on an outlook and not a summary.
They can be shorter, like 1 hour for both talks.
Should emphasize that the speaker doesn’t not have to acknowledge all talks.
Do we have speakers that can really summarize the whole area? Do we want to end on a small panel to make a few remarks on the future? This way we can have a series of different points of view. Strong support for this suggestion
Session format
Monday morning can start with a workshop kick-off session and add some registration here too. This is important for the future edition mainly. Registration can continue during coffee or lunch
Consider starting Monday afternoon? So that people can fly in on Monday morning. And then do registration in the morning. This is especially important for the first edition to make it more attractive.
General preference to option 1: two 25+5 talks and 30 minutes of global of discussion
Having a global discussion helps with flexibility to allow for more questions for more interesting parts
Poster session or equivalent
Maybe a poster session between the lunch and the last plenary?
The cross talk after the sessions is very critical and should be preserved
For experimental students, the conference being at CERN lowers the threshold a bit. From the theory, it is difficult to make a general statement.
From LHCP the posters really allow the students to come. The session has been very lively.
If in the future, we have the conference elsewhere, it will be hard to bring people for just a poster
Do we want to livestream it? To allow people to listen remotely.
Chat topics during the coffee breaks with areas and rooms for certain topics
Lighting round for ideas and not results?
Several themes should be discussed. Like LLPs connects to theory but also hardware and future runs. Hardware becomes exciting to theorists when connected to a theme.
SUSY is a very compelling paradigm - there are special nooks here that are still opportunities. Like EW SUSY partners. They can be earlier and lighter. What needs to be done experimentally to go there.
Higgs is another example along these lines.
Play off between precision and searches
Future colliders
Theoretical interplay to LHC with light DM, co-annihiating DM which has challenging experimentally
Connections to axion experiments
Detector capacities that we are not using
Should avoid to become to micro-themed
Should focus on what we want to accomplish