Science show training: Journey through a Detector

82 (Meet outside Science Gateway Reception)


Meet outside Science Gateway Reception

82 (Meet outside Science Gateway Reception)

Are you excited about science? Are you happy to stand on a stage in front of a big crowd? Do you want to do some cool experiments? Then become a science show presenter!

What is a science show?

CERN's science shows are interactive demonstrations in front of an audience of up to 400 participants. They present various topics related to CERN - and beyond. The science shows are guided by scripts - but they do not need to be learnt off by heart.

What is "Journey through a Detector" about?

Particle physicists are almost like detectives – just without the magnifying lenses and weird hats. Both are relying on their powers of deduction to find the culprit who left weird tracks. Which particle was it? Where did it come from? And, if no one really saw it, was it ever really there?

This science show explores the world of detectors, specifically the CMS detector, by following particles through the different layers of the detector. The principle of detection within the main levels is explained using simple experiment and beautiful animations.

Science show Journey through a Detector is accessible as of 12 years old and lasts about 45 minutes.

What will the training be like?

The training will be in English and will last 2 hours. This includes:

  • Overview of safety and access 

  • Presentation of the resources available
  • Overview of the show script and experiments 

  • Trying out experiments and Q&A 


You will also need to watch the "Journey through a Detector" Show preferably during the precedent or following week.

All essential resources for this training can be accessed through SCIENCE SHOWS | CERN Guides.

Additional training requirements:
You don't need to have any other courses already done before joining the training. However, before performing this science show as a primary presenter, you will also be required to pass the following course:

  • Science Gateway Facilities training for guides (1 hour)


If you cannot attend, please cancel your participation or inform us as soon as possible.

(In case you arrive late call Laura: +4175 411 17 75)

16 / 24
Feedback Survey - Journey through a Detector Science show training
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