/ * Sorry, i am on leave 15.01, so the below data may be outdated; valid on the evening of 14.01*/
- Data reprocessing camaign hopefully ends mid February (except for CNAF, which had many problems, though that is not relevant for us)
- Therefore UK DC at the end of February/beginning of March should be fine
Operational issues:
- nproc limit issue is fixed
- Pilot restores the original limit after gfal context creation
- Lots of failed WGProduction (direct access) jobs on Tuesday morning (see job plots)
- Jobs used xrootd-5.3.1 for streaming, this version has a bug that causes all vector reads with more than one chunk in request to fail (see this ticket for details)
- So, not our fault; LHCb is informed and will update the application linkage to a newer xrootd version