Zoom information
Meeting ID: 993 2967 7148
Meeting password: 452400
Invite link: https://umich.zoom.us/j/99329677148?pwd=c29ObEdCak9wbFBWY2F2Rlo4cFJ6UT09
Today we have quite a bit to cover!
Ongoing upgrade to HTCOndor24 and Alma 9.5. Done for 1 CE and ~12k slots.
Atlas T1 farm rolling condor upgrade in progress. Condor v23 LTS to condor v24 LTS
gridgk03 upgraded (new router syntax)
some workers upgraded already, proceeding in batches to ensure uptime
Rolling pool restarts were performed (10 servers) to update dCache pool memory on 01/29/25 and ZFS parameters on 01/23/25, respectively
Updates on US Tier-2 centers
TACC (Rui): Running smoothly (40% allocation used), maintenance yesterday
Perlmutter (Xin): following up with the empty pilots (Jira)