2007/04/18 Minutes Present: Alessandra, Michel, Paul, Pete G., Greig, Frederic, Miguel, Helene. Apologies: Chris, Graeme Updates: ======== Alessandra created a new fabric-monitoring repository to keep separated management and monitoring scripts. Submitted abstracts about the group to HEPiX and CHEP. At HEPiX I hope to find more volunteers to cover different areas. Michel has submitted an abstract about quattor to CHEP. Colin has committed two nagios scripts to monitor pbs queues and one to monitor pbs mom hosts status to the fabric-monitoring repository. Paul said that there is the possibility to get a summer student in Glasgow to extend the MonAMI monitoring capability but it is not sure yet. He also has started to cooperate with Piotr on the Data Exchange Format in the Grid Services Monitoring group. This is to define a standard the schema the XML files produced by SAM tests should have. These XML files should be then used to transfer the SAM results in whatever monioring tool sites are using. Frederic can write how to backup the mysql databases, depending on the services and the kind of databases used. They can be innodb or myisam, and backup strategy is different for each. Miguel will look into making available the most generic scripts in the CERN fabric repository, which is really extensive, either looking at the possibility to making the repository public or transferring some of the scripts to the sysadmin repositories. Next meeting ============= Next meeting will be on the 2nd of May 4pm CERN time. Actions: ======== Action: Michel add an introduction to quattor to the wiki Action: Greig commit management dcache scripts. Action: Pete write about experience with MonAMI. Action: Miguel look into how better to exploit CERN repo. Action: Frederic write about mysql backup strategies.