Eligibility project - follow up from PoW

513/R-068 (CERN)



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Alessandro Di Girolamo (CERN)
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Alessandro Di Girolamo
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    • 1:45 PM 2:15 PM
      round table - unofficial outcome from PoW 30m

      unofficial outcome from PoW and follow up

      • We might have some additional support in terms of experts: how much time might be needed to bring a person up to speed? Paolo has been working on deep-dive with the rest of the team: if a new person join, could someone help Paolo to share the load with him?
      • We will need to estimate how much faster we could go if we have one or two persons more in the dev team. Some tasks are incompressible, so they will take anyway N months, some others can be parallelized… (n.b. it’s not just a theoretical exercise, let’s think 2 scenarios: if we get 1 or 2 experienced developers each at at least 50%).
      • How do we collect feedback from the Service Experts on the API? (minimizing the duplication, storing their requests, etc)
      • What is the testing framework we can offer to service experts to start testing the integration? (I.e. to OpenStack and Google, we might start thinking also about WebServices) We might need to have this infos in documentation.
      • When do we think we can make an “informative” session for the service experts (a small set of service experts, e.g. OpenStack, Google, Oracle, AFS, Webservices, whatever else we need to migrate out of the ORP)? Maybe we can start having specific chats with OpenStack (and Google, but Google with Michal in the team should be “by default”). Maybe invite them in some of the tech meeting the dev team has already?
      • Processes (this is mostly on me.) We need to start defining more clearly how do we think the guarantor approval mechanism will work.