Jun 16 – 20, 2025
Europe/Budapest timezone

We have the pleasure of inviting prospective speakers and participants to the 6th edition of the Student Workshop on Integrability. This year the workshop will take place in Budapest, Hungary. The aim of the event is to provide a space for PhD students and early-career to mid-career postdocs in the field of integrability to present and discuss their research while strengthening the connections within the integrability community.

During this years' edition, we are honoured to host three keynote speakers, Rafael Nepomechie, Katja Klobas and Andrea De Luca.

Apart from the scientific program, the workshop should offer an opportunity to get in touch with other peer-group members. Hence, there will be many social events: A cultural trip and social nights outs.

There will be two types of contributions to the scientific program by the participants. You can either apply to give a 20 minutes talk or you can design a poster to present it in one of the poster sessions. To do so please hand in additionally an "Abstract" in the section "Call for Abstracts".

There is no participation fee. However, the participants need to pay for accommodation and travel by themself. We can offer limited financial support for participants who have a limited budget. To apply for support please fill in the corresponding field in the application form.

Further, either you organize an accommodation by yourself or you request a room of our subscription to hotel rooms during the registration process. In the latter case, you would share a double room with another young researcher. 

For information about the previous editions of the workshop, please see the website. For updates, you can also follow us on Facebook.

Organizer: Friedrich Hübner  
                   Sascha Gehrmann
                   Balazs Pozsgay
                   Anastasiia Tiutiakina

Logo:      Gert Vercleyen

The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.
Application for this event is currently open.