
Alessandro, Adrian, Carlos, Julia


Josep, Maria



APEL should complete migration from CentOS7 before X-mas. HEPScore functionality won't be deployed in production before the end of the year. Will continue testion HEPScore by the sites using test infrastructure. Julia asked Adrian to review instructions on the twiki and prepare a broadcast for the sites asking them to join testing. Julia will encourage sites to join testing at the WLCG Ops Coordination meeting next Thursday and then will send a broadcast

Benchmarking factor publishing:

Looks like sites which are running HTCondor and use GLUE2 to publish benchmarking factor, use benchmarking factor defined in the local configuration file. That is why we do not see a problem of APEL client not capable of reading GLUE2 and often see non-consistent values comparing factors published in BDII and used for generation of the job records. So benchmarking factors published in BDII can not be trusted.  Should we put effort to make them correct? Since for the moment APEL client can not read GLUE2, while the official policy of EGI is to use GLUE2 rather than GLUE1, there is not much sense to run this campaign now. In the scope of WLCG, we will calculate benchmarking factor from the accounting data and save it in CRIC once per month. This number then can be used in order to compare with the benchmarking factor obtained via benchmarking tests.

EGI accounting portal:

Josep could not attend the meeting, he reported that he was working on the benchmark-enabled UI and investigated topology issue in teh portal. Julia noticed that WLCG topology on teh EGI portal is not uptodate. It should be synched with CRIC, while looks like it is not.


Next meeting is Thursday 6th of December, 11:30 CET.