Zoom only meeting due to power cut in the meeting room
Shift handover: Danilo -> Bertrand; New rota available in the root calendar; ntr; we lost arm64 linux builder, Stephan will look at it on Thursday.
Meetings: nothing to add.
Topics: catching up after break!
During holidayswe had the chance to evaluate the noise levels of our test infra. We had windows failing, nothing new. A test intermittently failing fixed by Jonas H and discussed with Jonas R. It was a race.
Round Table:
Vincenzo preparing a workshop for infn, cms specific, Wednesday afternoon 3h slot from summer student course. Audience: PhD students. Back at cern next week.
Serguey: ntr
Philippe: continuing work on root io customisation rules. When we compile the rule, we don’t know what’s gonna be in the file. The current code is assuming the user did the right thing. Warning if types are different. One more failing test, to be solved in a few days. Preparing for workshop starting next week.
Olivier: ntr; problems with Macs during holidays because of unannounced power cut.
Lukas: following up cuda JIT compilation, couple of to-dos left. Started working on numerical integration with cuda.
Lorenzo: ntr, working on improvements on Sophie.
Jonas R: catching up with PRs to review.
Jonas H: why patches are important. Moving to backports in our patches so it’s much more sustainable.
Florine: meeting with PhD advisor. Working on paper, deadline in 2/3 weeks.
Danilo: on shift during holidays. Moving website to something supported by cern IT. automatizing docs building together with Olivier.
Bertrand: made a test in roottest to see it performance improve. IT deployed end point security for windows making one test failing. Data corruption. Ticket open in IT to make some exceptions in tests, but it’s not allowed. Philippe: CERN IT should take care of this potentially severe security issue.
Aaron: working on paper. wrapping up hackathon numpy histo interface.
No aob.