FCC-ee top-up injection

Zoom Meeting ID
Yann Dutheil
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  • Participants : C. Carli, Y. Dutheil, J. Keintzel, T. Mori, G. Roy, K. Skoufaris, R. Thomas
  • FSR contribution
    • Baseline
      • for Z is on-axis at 0.95% with V24.4_GHC optics -> kept as-is
    • Feasibility of hybrid, with some betatron offset
      • Presently only mentioning that Kevin's study indicate a betatron offset is possible -> action Yann :  add a conversion of Kevin's result in number of sigma
      • Action Yann : highlight that each injection in Z-mode is only 1% of the circulating intensity (10% of bunch intensity on 10% of the bunches)
      • give the message that hybrid is certainly possible but not the goal, some slightly lower momentum offset with an adjustment of the optics at the injection point in future optics versions is envisioned
    • Performance and operation section : injection efficiency with beam-beam
      • new simulation by Kyriacos can be completed quickly, 2 possible energy offset <0.95 with hybrid scheme (Action : Kyriacos)
      • Action Yann and Kyriacos : reviewed write-up and pictures with collective effects, (highlighting that the simulations with beam-beam use a hybrid scheme with optics V24.4 and seem feasible, however we also should be able to maintain an on-axis injection)
      • @Xavier we discussed last year that you would contribute a paragraph on collective effect but with the recent simulations of Kyriacos we discussed that he could carry this. Could you discuss together after we have completed a first version in case you have comments or suggestions ?
      • Injection efficiency and experience from KEK : action Takashi for a possible comment on the present status in KEK and main challenges/lessons learned or interest of undertanding the sources of performance limits at KEK
  • Continued collaboration on top-up injection
    • Egroup fee-topup-injection with opened self-subscription policy self-subscription link 
    • regular meeting every 4 weeks, slot of Thu at 2pm (next meeting 06/02) with invite sent to the egroup 
    • Action Ghislan and Rogelio : discussions within ABP to identify a primary contact to follow the beam dynamics/rings/collective effects aspects of top-up injection
      • organisation and chairing of the working group to be discussed after ABP main contact/s is/are identified
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