Lawrence, Abdelkarim, Amou, Beltako, Somiealo, Mounia, Funmi, Sanae, Christine, Kelly, Peyton, Komlan, Pete, Djagli, Horst, Herman, Kenneth, Kétévi.
- Abdelkarim will use a spell-checker to fix any remaining typos
- We will add the logos of CNRS and ESS
- After that, the poster will be considered final and released. You should then advertise in your communities
Site Visit
- Date: February 16-22
- Beltako will check on the yellow fever vaccination requirements and inform us
- Prof. Amou developing the agenda and requesting audiences with the President of the University and the Minister of Education. He will inform us in due course
Scicentific Program
- We will circulate the proposal for the scientific sessions to be included and solicit session leaders (conveners). The session leaders will responsible for developing their sessions (invited talks, invited speakers, contributed talks, etc.)
- You will have opportunity to comments on the proposed sessions (addition of sessions, volunteering to lead a session, etc.)
Next Meeting
- Wednesday, February 12, at 14:00 UTC
- We will discuss 2 things
- The final program for the site
- the scientific program
- After the site visit, the meeting will become bi-weekly