HI-ECN3 WP3 - Target & BIDs weekly meeting #21
927/1-U09 - TCD Workshop Meeting Room (CERN)
- EOS/cernbox (of the HI-ECN3 project): \eosproject-smb\eos\project\h\hi-ecn3\WP3 - Target & Beam Intercepting Devices
- DFS (of STI-TCD): G:\Departments\SY\Groups\STI\TCD\0020-SPS_Complex\0020-Experimentals_Areas\NORTH_AREA\HI-ECN3\Target and BIDs
- Jira: https://its.cern.ch/jira/projects/HIECN3TARGBIDS
- EDMS: https://edms.cern.ch/project/CERN-0000248024
Zoom Meeting ID
HI-ECN3 WP3 - Target & BIDs weekly meeting
Rui Franqueira Ximenes
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Present: Emmanuel, Damien, Benjamin, Alvaro, Mike, Giuseppe, Gemma, Marco, Antonio, Rui
- ACTION Alvaro-> Conclude glue tests and provide W block to Damien
- ACTION Rui/Mike-> Prepare purchase of W for the 2025 prototype
- ACTION Mike/Rui-> Start contacting companies for HIPing
- ACTION Damien/Alvao-> Check how deep can the holes for the thermocouples be made
- ACTION Mike-> Check stress concentration for thermocouple hole on the side
- ACTION Emmanuel/Luca-> Launch design job for 2026 prototype, look at the model and discuss with Steven/Christophe about design of the table and 2025 prototype.
Open Actions & closed Actions on Jira --> https://its.cern.ch/jira/projects/HIECN3TARGBIDS
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