Tracking discussion

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Andre Sailer
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# Key4hep &  MuonCollider tracking meeting
Jan 31, 2025

## Tracking in Gaudi with ODD
- Loading geometry with DD4hep plugin (but ODD geometry with different layout than "our" things)
- ACTS version; latest from December
    - upgrading is quite a bit of work usually
- Track finding runs but not verified
- JM (detail): adds support for EDM4hep 0.99 and above for the EDM4hep IO plugin in the examples, only available starting in ACTS v38.1.0

## Tracking in Gaudi for MuonCollider
- ACTS v32 (35 should be easy to jump to)
- Full integration needs possibility to run MarlinWrapper with `IOSvc`
    - Practically ready, needs new MuonCollider stack
- Tracking alone works nicely
- [ ] Does it build on the Key4hep nightlies
    - ACTS version jump, so probably not
- [ ] Validation
    - Tracking efficiencies, fake rates, etc.
- Once validated should try to jump to the latest ACTS version and freeze
- Already started to work on some intra-event parallelism
    - Might affect merging possiblity

## Other points
- Agree on ACTS version and freeze it until we need to move
- ACTS would be willing to have some Key4hep things in their CI to see breaks on our side
    - Willingness to fix breaks on our side
    - But we would need to have something working and (rather) stable
- Converge as soon as possible on one version of the algorithms
- Service for differences in geometry loading?
- Dependency on ACTS Examples(?).
    - Still there in both versions at the moment
    - Desirable to remove? ACTS installation doesn't everything that would be necessary for a proper dependency.
    - In principle they do quite a bit of work that would need to be copied otherwise.
- MuonCollider week at DESY in May could be a good opportunity to bring people together for a hackathon
- EIC builds k4ActsTracking(?)
    - only has geomtry service at the moment
    - [ ] Clarify what they do with it
## Next steps / mid-term plan
- Verify MuonCollider tracking with MarlinWrapper
- Start migration / merging of approaches to get one version
- Once common / merged algorithms are available start working DD4hep geometry plugin
    - Can use MuonCollider for validation

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