HL-LHC BGI - prototype instrument in YETS25-26
Present: James, Mark, WIlliam, Gunn, Lauren, Hikmet, Christine
RF Impedance
- In terms of RF impedance acceptance, can we put the SPS BGI instrument as it is, in the LHC ? We keep the rectangular vacuum tank and only add tapered beam pipe to adapt to the LHC 80mm beam pipe
- Hikmet and Christine will come back to us by end of March, or earliest with an answer.
- Consider LHC beam parameters for the 2026 run (and not the HL-LHC)
- Beam pipe length is ~1.6m
- If the vacuum team ask for NEG coating of the chamber, will this change the RF impedance ?
Prototype instrument availability
- Spare SPS BGI instrument, we have most mechanics
- Check in terms of vacuum acceptance (LCP/Staystick or alternative, max bakeout temperature/duration)
- Can we keep timepix cooling water on while doing bakeout ?
- The ceramic plate is held on 4 screws, see if this breaks due to thermo-mechanical movements during bakeout
- James will send past outgassing test reports to William (on staystick, done by Alice Michaud)
- To be followed with vacuum team
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