9th WG4 General Meeting

Håkan Wennlöf (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL)), Marco Mandurrino (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))

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Marco Mandurrino
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The meeting opened at 15:00 and closed at 15:40.
The number of attendees was stable at 24.

General news:

  • The DRDC review was held last week
    • No specific mentions of WG4; we traverse the Work Packages
    • There are no specific issues seen with WG4


Jürgen Burin presented the seventh chapter (mobility) from the literature review of TCAD parameters for 4H-SiC.

  • Hall mobility is not the same as conductivity mobility.
    • Hall scattering factor depends on temperature, and varies between sources.
  • Electron mobility is much larger than hole mobility in SiC, by an order of magnitude.
  • For electrons, the doping dependence of mobility agrees quite well between models. For holes the difference is larger.
  • The temperature dependence agrees between models for both electrons and holes.
  • This is the final chapter of the literature review. An outlook is to discuss the results, and publish. In the longer term, once the resources are available, a tool may be developed for the community to help select the parameters to use for a simulation in a given situation.

Questions and Answers:

  • Marco M: You are using Sentaurus TCAD, how are the models there? JB: There is a discrepancy between what is used in TCAD tools and available models for SiC. TCAD has some models, which might not be the best, and there are models in literature that are not available in TCAD frameworks.



  • Simulation tools development:
    • Simon Spannagel reported that version 3.1.2 of Allpix Squared has beenr eleased, containing mainly bug fixes.
    • The 6th Allpix Squared workshop will be held in Amsterdam on the 7th to the 9th of May 2025. Abstract deadline 31st of March.


Information about the next meeting will come from the conveners soon. 

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