Piquet intervention 2023-2024: https://ghg-studies-eos.web.cern.ch/ghg-studies-eos/piquet_interventions_analysis_2024.html
-spare parts news?
link to previous meeting Gas systems weekly project meeting (22 August 2024) · Indico (cern.ch)
-pressure sensors for radiation tollerance test
link our last test at CHARM https://edms.cern.ch/document/2021919
link ticket jira [GASSYSTEMS-231] Search for new pressure sensors - CERN Central Jira
workshop request --> M W E
Adsorption box 3.5 days (DAMIANO) --> mail sent to Fred on 07/11/2024 (now included)
ATLAS RPC 7-8 Jan 0 0 2 (Purif 3 included)
https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/GASSYSTEMS-422 | CODEX installation | Patrick Carrie | 02/12/2024 | 19/12/2024 | 14 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
AMBER 25 25 20
https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/GASSYSTEMS-29 | LHCb RICH1 new recuperation system | FSU MWE | Patrick Carrie | 06/01/2025 | -32616 | 10 | 5 | 10 |
MFCs 10 0 0 starting on Dec 05 - Jan 24 + Mar 17 Mar 31
Flowcells calibration 7+2 9 0 0
end Jan/Feb
ATLAS RPC - Purifier 1 column A clogging | FSU Mech | Kacper Kapusniak | 08/01/2025 | 28/02/2025 | 38 | 10 | 2 | 2 |
Adsorbtion Box to be terminated. I have spare material we can use and we can reorder. I will need help from Abdel (0.5 days) for some welding and from Fabio (0.5 days). Discuss with Amin and MC
LAB256 (Stefania)