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RECFA - Spain 2011 meeting

Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN)

Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN)

MICINN Headquarters, Madrid, Spain
Agenda (pdf)
Madrid Underground Map
  • Aleksander Filip Żarnecki
  • Brigitte Heuer
  • Calin Alexa
  • Francisco del Águila
  • Gaspar Barreira
  • Gerald Eigen
  • Giora Mikenberg
  • Joachim Mnich
  • Kenneth Long
  • Manfred Krammer
  • Matteo Cavalli-Sforza
  • Philippe Bloch
  • Richard Brenner
  • Rolf Heuer
  • roosen robert
  • Sergio Bertolucci
  • Tatsuya Nakada
  • Theodoros Alexopoulos
  • Thomas Gehrmann
  • Thomas Muller
  • Tullia Gaddi
  • Umberto Dosselli
  • Vladimir Cerny
  • Yannis Karyotakis
  • Friday 7 October
    • 1
      Speakers: F. del Aguila (Spanish Particle Physics Program Manager, MICINN), M. Cavalli-Sforza (Spanish Representative at RECFA, MICINN)
    • Open Session

      The Open Session of the RECFA-Spain meeting will be held at the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) Headquarters in Madrid on October 7, 2011

      Convener: T. Rodrigo
      • 2
        Spanish Participation in ATLAS
        Speaker: M. Bosman
      • 3
        Spanish Participation in CMS
        Speaker: J. Alcaraz
      • 4
        Spanish Participation in LHCb and in ALICE
        Speaker: B. Adeva
      • 5
        LHC Future, including Upgrades
        Speaker: I. Vila
      • 6
        R&D for Future Facilities
        Speaker: J. Fuster
    • 10:45
    • Open Session

      The Open Session of the RECFA-Spain meeting will be held at the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) Headquarters in Madrid on October 7, 2011

      Convener: E. Fernandez
      • 7
        Welcome from MICINN
        Speaker: C. Martinez (Director General of International Cooperation and Institutional Relations, MICINN)
      • 8
        Particle Physics Funding and Policy in Spain: Overview
        Speaker: F. del Águila
      • 9
        Computing and GRID Spanish Activity
        Speaker: G. Merino
      • 10
        Cosmic Ray Physics
        Speaker: A. Bueno
      • 11
        Gamma Ray Astrophysics in Spain
        Speaker: V. Fonseca
      • 12
        Observational Cosmology (DES, PAU)
        Speaker: R. Miquel
    • 13:15

      Buffet, catering

    • Open Session

      The Open Session of the RECFA-Spain meeting will be held at the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) Headquarters in Madrid on October 7, 2011

      Convener: M. Aguilar-Benitez
      • 13
        Nuclear Physics at Large Facilities and in Spain
        Speaker: Mª. J. García Borge
      • 14
        Speaker: J. Berdugo
      • 15
        Underground Physics
        Speaker: J.A. Villar
      • 16
        Speaker: A. Cervera
    • 15:45
    • Open Session

      The Open Session of the RECFA-Spain meeting will be held at the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) Headquarters in Madrid on October 7, 2011

      Convener: F. del Águila
      • 17
        Theoretical Particle Physics in Spain
        Speaker: A. Casas
      • 18
        CPAN: Particle, Astro & Nuclear Physics, and Outreach
        Speaker: A. Pich
      • 19
        Student’s View
    • 17:30
    • Closed Session MICINN Headquarters

      MICINN Headquarters

      • 20
        Closed Session, RECFA delegates
      • 21
        First feedback to Spanish community
    • Dinner Hotel Novotel, Madrid, Spain

      Hotel Novotel, Madrid, Spain

  • Saturday 8 October
    • Closed Session Hotel Novotel, Madrid, Spain

      Hotel Novotel, Madrid, Spain